Sunday, September 26, 2010

Angler of the Year and Big Bass of the Year

  • Brian Wilson with a 5.76lb Largemouth

Classic- Green Lake

  1. Randy Perry- 16.11lb/10.88lb/ 10 fish= 27.00lb/1st day BB-4.35lb
  2. Scott Spafford- 8.81lb/12.61/ 9 fish= 21.42lb/2nd day BB-4.14lb
  3. Bill Bailey- 6.03lb/9.41/ 7 fish=15.44lb
  4. Pat Morgan- 5.27lb/5.53lb/ 4 fish=10.80lb
  5. Ed Short- 8.75lb/Zero/ 5 fish= 8.75lb
  6. Lloyd Acha- 4.87lb/2.63lb/ 3 fish= 7.50lb
  7. O.B. Widener- 2.85lb/Zero/ 1 fish= 2.85lb
  8. Rick Payne- Zero/ 1.97lb/ 1 fish=1.97lb
  9. Brian Wilson- Zero/Zero=Big Zero

Glenn Lake

  1. Bill Bailey- 18.11lb/5 fish/ Big Bass 4.78lb
  2. Brian Wilson- 10.88/4 fish
  3. Randy Perry- 4.27lb/1 fish/ 2nd Big Bass 4.27lb
  4. Rick Payne-3.58/1 fish
  5. Scott Spafford- 3.14/1 fish
  6. Pat Morgan- 2.59/1 fish
  7. Ed Short- 1.41/1 fish

2025 rules

  Rules:  Interpretation of rules shall be left exclusively to the Board of Directors. The decision of the Board are final. Penalties up to ...