Tuesday, May 26, 2015

TCBass Tournament rules

2015-T.C. Bass Rules
Rules:  Interpretation of these rules shall be left exclusively to the Board of Directors.  The decision of the Board shall be final.  Penalties up to disqualification may be assessed for infractions and or protest.  All rules have “loopholes” it is the intention of TC Bass to provide an honest sportsmanlike tournament.  In the interest of good sportsmanship, contestants are reminded that the “spirt of the rules” shall prevail in all judgement cases.  Any protest must submitted in writing within 15 minutes of completion of the tournament.
Tournament & Weigh-in:  8 Tournaments with 1 throw out. 5 Bass Limit.  We have a 30 point system with a 5 point countdown.  Bass presented for weigh in which fail to measure 14 inches shall accrue penalties at the rate of 1 pound each.  This penalty shall be deducted from your total weight.  Three tenths of a pound per bass will be deducted from your total weight for all dead bass weighed.  Big Bass per tournament will be as follows 70% 1st Big Bass, 30% 2nd Big Bass. All contestants must be back at ramp at the end of the tournament, NO EXCEPTIONS.  Take off will be three boats at a time, we will draw for starting spots.  All live bass must be returned to the lake.
Ties:  All ties for tournament awards will be determined as follows: 1st tie breaker, biggest single bass weight. 2nd tie breaker, by number of bass weighed. Ties for AOY: First tie breaker total weight for the year. 2nd tie breaker total bass weighed.
Membership and Entry Fee:  Annual membership is $25.00. $30.00 entry fee includes $10.00 for Big Bass. $19.00 for purse. $1.00 will be held for AOY jacket. Pay back is 50%, 30%, 20%.
Fishing time & Check in:  Total of 8 hours of fishing 7:00am to 3:00pm.  Contestants must be at launch site by 6:30am to pay entry fee and draw position.  Rider’s fee is $20.00 No riders in boats 16ft of smaller & under 60hp. Anyone returning late will be penalized 1lb. for every minute past tournament end and after five minutes will be DQ however will still be granted show up points.  Any boat arriving late must check in with another tournament boat, to have livewell (s) checked and to pay all fees.
Safe Boating:  All boats must have the required.  Safe boating must be observed at all times.  Contestants are required to wear a Coast Guard approved life preserver any time the combustion engine is running & In Gear.  If boat is equipped with a kill switch it must be used.  Absolutely no alcoholic beverage and or drugs allowed in the boat during tournament hours. This doesn’t include legal medication.
Tackle & Equipment:  Artificial lures Only shall be used.  Only 1 casting, spin casting, or spinning rod may be used at one time.  No trolling, however an electric motor may be used for slow maneuvering.  Cell phones, CB and marine radios are not to be used to exchange fishing information during tournament hours. All boats must have a livewell capable of maintaining a limit of bass.  Boats with riders must be capable of maintaining 2 limits of bass.  
Fishing Location:  All contestants must start from the designated check in area.  Fishing on the tournament water is permitted anywhere except within 50 yards of another competitors boat which was first anchored (Poles Down) with trolling motor up.  An Anchored boat may not block a narrow waterway.  If you let one boat within 50 yards you must let all boats do so.
Boat Identification:  Each boat must be given an inspection by a tournament official prior to the start of the tournament.
Club Classic:  A club classic will be held after the last regular season tournament of the year.  You must fish 4 regular season tournament to qualify.  Life members have an automatic unpaid entry.  It will be a 2 day tournament on 2 different lakes. Drawing for the lakes will be at the last regular season tournament from then the lakes will be off-limits.  Entry fee is $60.00 (this includes $5.00 each day for big bass) this will be collected at the drawing. Pay back is 70%, 20%, 10%.  

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Weekend Tournament (Green Lake)

  1. Jacob Trafelet- 18.63lb
  2. Brian Wilson- 17.72lb + Big Bass (4.92lb)
  3. Jack Ebach- 17.17lb
  4. Mark Ayers- 16.91lb
  5. Bill Bailey Sr.- 14.90lb
  6. Scott Spafford- 14.13lb
  7. Randy Perry- 13.93lb
  8. Bill Bailey Jr.- 13.06lb
  9. Ed Short- 12.72lb
  10. Pat Morgan- 4.80lb
    Jacob Trafelet 18.63lb (1st)- 4.02lb  Smallmouth

    Brian Wilson Big Bass 4.92lb Smallmouth

    Mark Ayres 3.74lb

Monday, May 18, 2015

Memorial Weekend-Green Lake (Open Tournament ) Sunday 5-24-15

  Memorial Weekend Tournament on Green Lake. 7:00 am-3:00pm/ $20 per person/single- no team. Paying 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Big Bass. It you don't have a boat, come as a Non-Boater. Many Members started out as a rider or just come see the weigh-in.

Last Year on Green  Lake. Take note of the winners. Follow them!

History of Angler of the Year.

  History of TCBass AOY /Started 2003 2003 Harry Swank 2004 Brian Wilson 2005 Harry Swank 2006 Harry Swank 2007 Brian Wilson 2008 Brian Wils...