Monday, June 22, 2020

Crystal Lake 6-20-20

1. Jack Ebach 5/5 20.43lb/Big Fish 4.69lb 2. Brian Wilson 5/5 17.45lb 3. Jeff Brauneck 5/5 17.10lb/2nd Big Bass 3.92lb 4. Bill Bailey Jr. 5/5 16.76lb 5. Bill Shermeta 5/5 16.19lb 6. Jacob Trafelet 5/5 15.95lb 7. Bill Bailey 5/5 15.64lb 8. Mark Ayers 5/5 15.27lb 9. Mack Plachta 5/5 14.18lb 10.Bryan Ray 5/4 13.64-.30=13.34lb 11.Randy Perry 5/5 11.17lb

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Walloon Lake 6-14-20

1. Jack Ebach 5/5 15.08lb 2. Brian Wilson 5/5 14.78lb 3. Jacab Trafelet 5/5 14.09lb 4. Bill Shermeta 5/5 13.48lb/ 2nd BB 3.34lb 5. Pat Morgan 5/5 13.30lb 6. Mark Ayers 5/5 13.19lb 7. Bill Bailey Jr. 5/5 12.01lb 8. Bryan Ray 5/5 11.87lb/ Big Bass 3.45lb 9. Bill Bailey 5/5 11.16lb 10.Randy Perry 5/5 11.11lb 11.Rick McClintock 2/2 3.73lb

2025 rules

  Rules:  Interpretation of rules shall be left exclusively to the Board of Directors. The decision of the Board are final. Penalties up to ...