Thursday, November 11, 2021

Fall Meeting minutes.

 1. New rule for 2022 Non boater opt out fee for the season. $100 per year. Boater can opt out from taking a non boater but:

Once a boater opt out for the season that boater can not be a non boater.

2. Membership due have been changed to $30

Tournament fees are now $50. $40 tournament fee with $10 Big Bass

3. Classic Championship will be back to two separate lakes.

Classic pay out has changed to 50% 30% 20%. Plus the winner will receive free Membership for the following year.

4. Bob Moss has been voted in as Vice President.

All other board members remain the same.

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Hawg Hunt 10-3-21 Glen/Platte

 1. Brian/ Bryan 5.85lb + 6.10lb = 11.95lb

2. Phil/Eric 5.50lb + 4.87lb = 10.37lb

3. Jeff/Dave 4.85lb + 5.17lb = 10.07lb

4. Jack/Paul 5.10lb + 4.74lb = 9.84lb

5. Bill/ Bill Jr. 4.37lb + 4.72lb = 9.09lb

6. Jack/Brenda 4.73lb + 3.71lb = 8.44lb

7. Ken/Mike 3.88lb + 4.49lb = 8.37lb

8. Dave/Rich 3.99lb + 3.42 lb = 8.37lb

9. John/Dre 5.31lb + 0 = 5.31lb

10. Mark/Owen 4.91lb + 0 = 4.91lb

11. Bob/Garrett 4.44lb + 0 = 4.44lb

12. Don/Stan 4.31lb + 0 = 4.31lb

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Classic Championship Final

 1. Brian Wilson 10/9 16.85lb + 17.08lb= 33.95lb

2. Bill Bailey Jr. 10/10 16.05lb +  16.97lb= 33.02lb

3. Mark Ayers 9/9 11.52lb + 16.64lb = 28.16lb

4. Jack Sage 6/6 12.61lb + 12.94lb = 25.55 lb

5. Bryan Ray 6/6 19.21lb + 2.91lb = 22.12lb

6. Randy Perry 7/7 8.94lb + 12.34lb = 21.28lb

7.  Bill Bailey Sr. 7/7 10.51lb + 9.33lb = 19.84lb 

8. Rick Payne 1/1 0+ 2.95lb = 2.95lb

Jack Sage Day 1 Big Fish 4.85lb and

                  Day 2 Big Fish 5.80lb

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Classic Championship Big Glen Day 1

 1. Bryan Ray 5/5 19.21lb

2. Brian Wilson 5/5 16.85lb

3. Bill Bailey Jr. 5/5 16.05lb

4. Jack Sage 3/3 12.61lb/ Big Bass 4.85lb

5. Mark Ayers 4/4 11.52lb

6. Bill Bailey Sr. 4/4 10.51lb

7. Randy Perry 3/3 8.84lb

8. Rick Payne 1/1 2.95lb

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Glen Lake (Was Crystal Lake) 9-5-21

 1. Jack Sage 5/5 17.73lb

2. Bob Moss 5/5 17.20lb

3. Dave Hentschel 5/5 13.47lb

4. Mark Ayers 3/3 11.81lb

5. Brian Wilson 3/3 8.27lb

6. Owen Hentschel 2/2 8.21lb/ Big Bass 4.58lb

7. Mike Riojas 3/3 7.14lb

8. Bill Bailey Sr. 2/2 6.25lb

9. Jack Ebach 2/2 5.85lb

10. Randy Perry 1/1 4.47lb

11. Bill Bailey Jr. 1/1 2.20lb

12. Bill Shermeta 0/0

12. Garrett Moss 0/0

12. Alex Lee 0/0

Bill Bailey Sr. Wins AOY

1. Bill Bailey Sr. 24/28/28/28/27/30/27/23*=192 points

2. Bill Bailey Jr. 25/29/24/30/30/29/24/20*=191 points

3. Jack Sage 28/25/25/25/18*/28/28/30=189 points

4. Brian Wilson 26/30/27/26/26/27/25*/26=188 points  

5. Bryan Ray 30/27/20*/24/23/25/30/0*=179 points  

6. Randy Perry 22/24/21/23/24/16*/23/21= 158 points 

Friday, September 3, 2021

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Portage Lake 8-29-21

 1. Bryan Ray 5/5 12.15lb/ Big Bass 3.20lb

2. Owen Hentschel 5/5 11.71lb

3. Jack Sage 5/5 11.64lb

4. Bill Bailey Sr. 5/5 10.28lb

5. Harry Swank 5/5 9.62lb

6. Brian Wilson 3/3 6.38 lb

7. Bill Bailey Jr. 2/2 4.74lb

8. Randy Perry 1/1 1.69lb

9. Ken Keerney 0/0

9. Rick Payne 0/0

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Lake Skegamog 8-15-21

 1. Bill Bailey Sr. 5/5 15.18 lb

2. Bill Bailey Jr. 5/5 15.15 lb

3 Jack Sage 4/3 11.56 lb-.3 = 11.26 lb/ Big Bass 4.35 lb

4. Brian Wilson 5/5 11.10 lb

5. Harry Swank 4/4 10.04 lb

6. Bryan Ray 5/4  8.85 lb -.3 = 8.55lb

7. Mark Ayers 3/3 6.45 lb

8. Owen Hentschel 2/2 5.06 lb

9. Mike Riojas 2/2 4.01 lb

10. Jacob Trafelet 2/2 3.78 lb

11. Ken Kearney 0/0

11 Randy Perry 0/0

Monday, July 26, 2021

2021 Lake Schedule

5-30-21 Lake Leelanau (narrows)

6-13-21 Bear Lake (Manistee county) DNR launch 

6-27-21 Lake Margareth  

7-4-21 FireCracker Special-Green Lake (Open)

7-11-21 Silver Lake 

7-25-21 Platte  Lake 

8-15-21 Lake Skegamog (Baggs rd)

8-29-21 Portage Lake 

9-5-21 Crystal Lake 

9-25/26-21 Classic Championship 

10-3-21 Hawg Hunt-Platte/Glen Lake (Open)

Alternate Lake is Glen Lake

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Platte Lake

 1 Bill Bailey Jr. 5/5 21.04 lb

2. Owen Hentschel 5/5 17.46 lb

3. Dave Hentschel 5/4 16.53 lb/ Big Bass 5.13 lb

4. Bill Bailey Sr. 4/4 11.70lb

5 Brian Wilson 5/5 10.89 lb

6. Bob Moss 5/5 10.77 lb

7. Randy Perry 4/4 10.75 lb

8. Bryan Ray 3/3 7.38 lb

9. Mark Ayers 1/1 4.96 lb

10. Garrett Moss 2/2 4.80 lb

11. Jacob Trafelet 2/2 4.05lb

12. Rick Payne 1/1 3.30 lb

13. Jack Sage 1/1 2.54 lb

14. Ken Kernney 1/1 1.13 lb

Monday, July 19, 2021

2021 AOY Halfway point

 Lake Leelanau/Bear Lake/Lake Margareth/Silver Lake

Minus one throw out in ( )/ listed anglers who have fished all the tournaments or with only one missed tournament.

1. Jacob Trafelet 29/(0)/30/29= 88 points

2. Bill Bailey Sr. (24)/28/28/28=84 points

2. Bill Bailey Jr. 25/29/(24)/30= 84 points 

4. Brian Wilson (26)/30/27/26=83 points 

5. Bryan Ray 30/27/(20)/24=81 points 

6. Mark Ayers 23/(0)/29/27=79 points 

7. Jack Sage 28/25/25/(25)=78 points 

8. Randy Perry 22/24/(21)/23=69 points 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Silver Lake 7-11-21

 1. Bill Bailey Jr. 5/5  11.07lb

2. Jacob Trafelet 5/5  10.99lb/Big Bass 3.40lb

3. Bill Bailey Sr. 5/5  9.49lb

4. Mark Ayers 5/5  9.26lb

5. Brian Wilson 4/4  8.76lb

6. Jack Sage 5/5. 8.30lb

7. Bryan Ray 5/5 7.59lb

8. Randy Perry 3/3. 5.66lb

9. Ken Kearney 0/0

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

15th annual Firecracker Special results

 1. Bill Sr- Bill Jr Bailey- 5/5 15.80lb/ Largemouth 3.57lb

2. Brian W - Noah S.  5/5 14.34lb

3. Garrett- Riley 5/5 13.39lb

4. Owen H.- Login 5/5 12.04lb

5. Randy-Matt 4/4 11.68lb- Smallmouth 4.89lb

6. Bob-Chris 4/3 11.92lb - .3lb= 11.62lb

7. Will- Parker 5/4 11.86lb- .3lb= 11.56lb

8. Dave H.- Cassidy 5/5 11.51lb

9. Paul- Jack 5/5 11.00lb

10. Hooper- Hooper- 5/5 10.20lb

11. Bryan- Scott 5/5 10.00lb

12. Chris- Wyatt 5/5 9.68lb

13. Doug- John 2/2 4.79lb

14. Dave- Karen 0/0

15. Larry- Drew 0/0

History of Angler of the Year.

  History of TCBass AOY /Started 2003 2003 Harry Swank 2004 Brian Wilson 2005 Harry Swank 2006 Harry Swank 2007 Brian Wilson 2008 Brian Wils...