Sunday, August 29, 2021

Portage Lake 8-29-21

 1. Bryan Ray 5/5 12.15lb/ Big Bass 3.20lb

2. Owen Hentschel 5/5 11.71lb

3. Jack Sage 5/5 11.64lb

4. Bill Bailey Sr. 5/5 10.28lb

5. Harry Swank 5/5 9.62lb

6. Brian Wilson 3/3 6.38 lb

7. Bill Bailey Jr. 2/2 4.74lb

8. Randy Perry 1/1 1.69lb

9. Ken Keerney 0/0

9. Rick Payne 0/0

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Lake Skegamog 8-15-21

 1. Bill Bailey Sr. 5/5 15.18 lb

2. Bill Bailey Jr. 5/5 15.15 lb

3 Jack Sage 4/3 11.56 lb-.3 = 11.26 lb/ Big Bass 4.35 lb

4. Brian Wilson 5/5 11.10 lb

5. Harry Swank 4/4 10.04 lb

6. Bryan Ray 5/4  8.85 lb -.3 = 8.55lb

7. Mark Ayers 3/3 6.45 lb

8. Owen Hentschel 2/2 5.06 lb

9. Mike Riojas 2/2 4.01 lb

10. Jacob Trafelet 2/2 3.78 lb

11. Ken Kearney 0/0

11 Randy Perry 0/0

2025 rules

  Rules:  Interpretation of rules shall be left exclusively to the Board of Directors. The decision of the Board are final. Penalties up to ...