Monday, June 25, 2012

7th FireCracker Special- Open Tournament

July 4th at Green Lake. 7:00am to 12:00pm. $20 per boat. Paying Biggest Smallmouth and Largemouth. Also 1st, 2nd and 3rd places. Let's have a bang up time! UPDATE!!
  1. Toby Tisdale/Jon Pierce-5/4 fish/ 14.83-.30=14.53lb
  2. Scott & Shawn Schiattone-5 fish/ 13.69lb
  3. Mark Ayers-5 fish/ 12.77lb
  4. Bob Moss/Jerry DeGrando- 5 fish/ 11.93lb
  5. Bill Bailey Jr.- 5fish/ 10.90lb
  6. Dave & Karen Luzac- 5/4 fish/ 11.00lb-.30=10.70lb
  7. Brian & Julie Wilson- 4 fish/ 10.27lb-Biggest Largemouth-3.64lb
  8. Randy Perry/Lon Galla- 5 fish/ 9.68lb
  9. Jacob Trafelet/Aaron Olsen- 5 fish/ 9.59lb
  10. O.B. Widener/Ed Short-5/4 fish/ 9.55lb-.30=9.25lb
  11. Chris Noffsinger- 3 fish/ 7.39lb-Biggest Smallmouth-3.82lb
  12. Rick & Austin Payne-3 fish/ 7.09lb
  13. Butch Derickson- 1 fish/ 2.12lb
  14. Bill Bailey Sr.- 1 fish/ 1.91lb 

Crystal Lake

  1. Bill Bailey Sr.- 5/4 fish/ 17.32lb-.30=17.02lb/Big Fish 4.80lb
  2. Bryan Ray- 5 fish/ 14.99lb
  3. Brian Wilson-5/4 fish/ 13.38lb-.30=13.08lb/2nd Big Fish 4.12lb
  4. Luke Baker- 5 fish/ 11.26lb
  5. Ed Short - 4 fish/ 8.00lb
  6. Bill Bailey Jr.- 3 fish/ 7.30lb
  7. Rick Payne- 3 fish/ 5.84lb
  8. Randy Perry- 2 fish/ 4.34lb
  9. O.B Widener-1 fish/ 1.77lb
  10. Lloyd Acha- No fish
  11. 4.12lb
    Big Fish-4.80lb
    Bill Bailey Sr.-Bryan Ray- Brian Wilson

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Long Lake-June 10th

  1. Harry Swank-5 fish/13.89lb
  2. Luke Baker- 5/4 fish/13.37lb-.30=13.07lb- 2nd big fish-4.27lb
  3. Bill Bailey Sr.- 5 fish/11.88lb
  4. Randy Perry- 5 fish/10.81lb
  5. Bill Bailey Jr.- 4 fish/10.30lb
  6. Ed Short- 3 fish/9.84lb
  7. Brian Wilson- 4 fish/8.79lb
  8. Lloyd Acha- 3 fish/8.65lb
  9. Murray Garner- 4/3 fish/8.23lb-.30=7.93lb
  10. Pat Morgan-3 fish/5.48lb
  11. Bryan Ray- 1 fish/4.33lb- Big Fish-4.33lb
  12. Rick Payne- no fish
  13. Mark Ayers-no fish

History of Angler of the Year.

  History of TCBass AOY /Started 2003 2003 Harry Swank 2004 Brian Wilson 2005 Harry Swank 2006 Harry Swank 2007 Brian Wilson 2008 Brian Wils...