Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Glen Lake 6-23-19

1. Bryan Ray (5) 20.48lb/ Big Bass 4.70lb
2. Mike Ebach (5) 20.43lb
3. Brian Wilson (5) 19.84lb
4. Bill Bailey (5) 18.96lb
5. Jack Ebach (5) 17.87lb
6. Bob Moss (5) 16.90lb
7. Bill Bailey (5) 16.43lb
8. Mark Ayers (5/4) 15.99lb/ 2nd Big Bass 4.56lb
9. David Hentschel (5) 15.19lb
10. Scott Spafford (5) 12.92lb
11. Chris Schalk (5) 12.87lb
12. Owen Hentschel (5) 12.70lb
13. Bill Shermeta (5) 11.81lb
14. Randy Perry (5) 11.29lb
15. Brian McComb (5) 10.60lb
16. Alan Long (3) 6.79lb
17. Butch Derickson (2) 5.02lb
18 Rick Mclintock (2) 4.42lb

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Crystal Lake 6-9-19

1. Bill Bailey Jr. (5) 20.43 lb/ Big Bass 5.01 lb
2. Mark Ayers (5) 19.82 lb
3. Owen Hentschel (5) 18.72 lb
4. Butch Derickson (5) 18.38 lb
5. Bob Moss (5) 18.19 lb
6. Jack Ebach (5) 18.12 lb / 2nd Big Bass 4.45 lb
7. Brian Wilson (5) 18.03 lb
8. Bill Bailey (5) 17.75 lb
9. Bill Shermeta (5) 15.58 lb
10. Bryan Ray (5) 15.47 lb
11. Scott Spafford (5) 15.39 lb
12. Jennifer Kambar (5) 14.09lb
13. Randy Perry (5)’14.06 lb
14. John Long (1) 2.21 lb

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Lake Skegamog

1. Owen Hentschel (5) 21.50 lb/ Big Bass 5.18 lb
2. Jack Ebach (5) 19.53 lb/ 2nd big bass 4.74lb
3. Mark Ayers (5) 17.35lb
4. Bill Shermeta (5) 16.12lb
5. Bill Bailey Jr. (5/4) 15.64lb
6. Bill Bailey (5) 13.08lb
7. Randy Perry (5) 12.24lb
8. Bryan Ray (5) 11.59lb
9. Scott Spafford (4) 10.89lb
10. Butch Derickson (3) 7.14lb
11. John Caswell (2) 3.75lb
12. Alan Long (1) 1.99ln
13. Jennifer Kamba (1) 1.42lb
14. Doug Caswell (0)
14. Rick McClintock(0)

History of Angler of the Year.

  History of TCBass AOY /Started 2003 2003 Harry Swank 2004 Brian Wilson 2005 Harry Swank 2006 Harry Swank 2007 Brian Wilson 2008 Brian Wils...