Monday, September 21, 2020

2020 Hawg Hunt

Fall Hawg Hunt 10-4-20

             FALL HAWG HUNT
                              Partner tournament
                               Oct 4th, 2020
                 Tournament time 7:30 am to 5:00pm
                            Register by 6:45am
       Time    Location    Launch Site
7:30 am to 11:30 am     Glen Lake                  First Weigh-inDNR Launch on Little Glen            
1:00 pm to 5:00 pm Big Platte Lake                     Finale Weigh-inDNR launch
Entry Fee                              $100 per boat    collected day of tournament
Payback split 3 ways:        Combination of two Hawgs
                                                (one from each lake)
                                            Big Bass of the day Glen Lake
                                            Big Bass of the day Big Platte Lake


Sunday, September 20, 2020

Glen Lake Classic Championship

                                     Day 1.         Day 2
1. Brian Wilson 5/5    18.36lb + 3/3 9.64lb= 28lb
2. Mark Ayers    5/5    17.48lb +2/2 8.26lb= 24.74lb
3. Bill Bailey Jr. 3/3    10.33lb +3/3 7.99lb= 18.32lb
4. Bryan Ray      5/5   14.56lb + 0/0          = 14.56lb
5. Jack Ebach.    1/1     3.00lb. +3/3 10.88lb=13.88lb
6. Randy Perry.  0/0         0.0. + 1/1   5.23lb= 5.23lb
7. Mack Plachta 1/1      3.16lb + 0/0            = 3.16lb
8. Bill Shermeta 1/1     2.89lb + 0/0            = 2.89lb
9. Bill Bailey Sr.                                            = 0.0lb
10 Rick McClintock No show
Day 1 Big Bass /Bill Bailey Jr. 4.64lb
Day 2 Big Bass/ Randy Perry 5.23lb 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

AOY Standings

 1. Jack Ebach 260 points

2. Bill Shermeta 251points

3. Bill Bailey Jr. 240 points

4. Brian Wilson 237 points

5. Randy Perry 214 points 

6. Bill Bailey Sr. 208 points

7. Bryan Ray 208 points

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

2020 Classic Championship

 The championship will be two day on Glen Lake. $70. Must be a life member or have fished 4 regular season tournament. 7 am to 3 pm.

Randy Perry/paid

Brian Wilson/ paid

Bryan Ray/ paid

Bill Bailey/ paid

Bill Bailey Jr/ paid

Jack Ebach/ paid

Mark Ayers/ paid

Bill Shermeta/ paid

Rick McClintock/ paid

Mack Plachta/ paid

Jacob Trafelet?

Harry Swank? 

Pat Morgan?

Rick Payne?

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Platte Lake 9-6-20

 1. Mike Ebach 5/5 19.26lb/ 2nd Big Bass 4.82lb

2. Bill Shermeta 5/5 18.68lb/ Big Bass 5.44lb

3. Bryan Ray 5/5 17.83lb

4. Bob Moss 5/5 14.83lb

5. Mark Ayers 5/4 14.97lb -.30=14.67lb

6. Randy Perry 4/4 12.48lb

7. Bill Bailey Jr. 3/3 10.99lb

8. Jack Ebach 3/3 10.27lb

9. Garrett Moss 3/3 8.27lb

10. Pat Morgan 3/3 5.34lb

11. Brian Wilson 1/1 3.75lb

12 Rick McClintock 1/1 2.12lb

13 Bill Bailey Sr. 0/0

13. Mac Plachta 0/0


Wednesday, September 2, 2020

2020 AOY

After 9 tournament 

1. Jack Ebach 267 points 

2. Bill Shermeta 222 points 

3. Brian Wilson 217 points

4. Bill Bailey Jr. 216 points 

5. Bill Bailey Sr. 192 points 

6. Randy Perry 189 points 

7. Bryan Ray 180 points

8. Jacob Trafelet 127 points

With only one regular season tournament left your 2020 AOY goes to Jack Ebach. Congrats!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Brats at Platte Lake.

Please plan on participating after the tournament. We will be collecting money for Bratwursts. BYOB 

Lake Charlevoix 8-23-20

 1. Jack Ebach 4/4 12.83 lb

2. Bill Bailey Jr. 4/4 9.11 lb/ Big Bass 4.35 lb

3. Bill Shermeta 2/2 5.84 lb

4. Randy Perry 1/1 1.79 lb

5. Brian Wilson 0/0

2020 TCBass Lake Schedule

  • 5-24-20 Lake Leelanau (Canceled)
5-31-20 Lake Leelanau (Rescheduled)
6-7-20 Glen Lake
6-14-20 Walloon Lake
6-21-20 Crystal Lake
7-4-20 FireCracker Special (Green Lake Open)($25 team)
7-12-20 Lake Ann
7-19-20 West Bay (Lee’s point)
8-2-20 Portage Lake
8-7/9 State Fish off
8-16-20 Elk Lake (Bagg’s)
8-23-20 Lake Charlevoix (Ironton)
9-6-20 Platte Lake
9-13-20  WMB Lake Leelanau
9-19/20-20 Classic Championship
9-26/27-20 WMB Championship
10-4-20 Hawg Hunt on Glen/Platte Lake ($100 team)
Alternate Lake/  Intermediate Lake
Start Time is 7:00 am to 3:00 pm
Club Dues are $35/ Big Bass Jackpot is $20
Tournament fees are $30

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Lake Skegamog 8-16-20

 1. Jack Ebach 5/5 16 lb/ Big Bass 4.34 lb

2. Randy Perry 3/3 6.91 lb

3. Brian Wilson 2/2 5.19 lb/ 2nd BB 3.38 lb

4. Mark Ayers 2/2 3.84 lb

5. Rick McClintok 2/2 3.45 lb

6. Mac Platka 1/1 2.46 lb

7. Bryan Ray 0/0

7. Bill Bailey Sr 0/0

7. Bill Bailey Jr 0/0

7. Bill Shermeta 0/0

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Portage Lake 8-2-20

1. Jack Ebach 5/5 18.52 lb/Big Bass 4.00lb 2. Alex Skimmer 5/5 15.20lb 3. Bill Bailey Sr. 5/5 11.72lb/2nd BB 2.94lb 4. Bill Bailey Jr. 4/4 8.64lb 5. Mac Plachta 5/4 8.77lb-.3= 8.47lb 6. Bill Shemeta 3/3 5.04lb 7. Pat Morgan 2/2 4.04lb 8. Randy Perry 1/1 2.90lb 9. Bryan Ray 1/1 1.76lb 10. Jacob Trafelet 1/1 1.56lb 11. Mark Ayers 0/0 11. Brian Wilson 0/0 11. Harry Swank 0/0

Sunday, July 19, 2020

West Bay 7-19-20

1. Jack Ebach 5/5 21.32lb/ Big Bass 5.57lb 2. Mark Ayers 5/5 19.86lb/ 2nd BB 4.43lb 3. Brian Wilson 5/5 18.46lb 4. Bill Shermeta 5/5. 16.51lb 5. Jacob Trafelet 4/4 11.03lb 6. Bill Bailey Jr. 3/3 7.24lb 7. Bill Bailey Sr. 1/1 2.31lb 8. Randy Perry 1/1 1.72lb 9. Bryan Ray 1/1 1.69lb.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Lake Ann

1. Bill Shermeta 5/5 12.89lb/Big Bass 3.28lb 2. Jack Ebach 5/5 10.42lb 3. Brian Wilson 5/5 10.13lb 4. Bill Bailey Jr. 5/5 9.95lb/ 2nd BB 3.03lb 5. Brian Ray 4/4 7.66lb 6. Jacob Trafelet 2/2 4.43lb 7. Bill Bailey Sr. 2/2 3.21lb 8. Randy Perry 1/1 2.78lb 9. Pat Morgan 1/1 1.47l 10. Rick McClintock 0/0

Sunday, July 5, 2020

FireCracker Special

1. Julie and Brian 5/5 12.50 lb/ Big Largemouth 4.86lb 2. Owen and Logan 5/5 11.07lb 3. Ruth and Harry 5/5 11.06 lb 4 Karen and Dave 5/5 10.76lb 5. Bill and Warren 5/5 9.66lb 6. Bill and Conner 3/3 8.46 lb 7. Cole and Corey 4/4 8.35lb 8. Chris and Wyatt 4/4 7.39lb 9. Scott and Chase 3/3 7.21lb 10. Dave and Rich 3/3 7.18lb/ Big Smallmouth 4.03lb 11. Karen and Larry 1/1 2.64lb 12. Randy - no fish 12. Rick and Hank- no fish 12. Kadin and Garrett- no fish

Friday, July 3, 2020

14th Annual FireCracker Special

14th Annual Firecracker Special. Open Bass Tournament July 4th 2020 on Green Lake (7:00am-12:00pm) $20 a boat. Fish as a team or by yourself bring your son, daughter, wife or husband or whoever you want. We will be paying 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Also largest Smallmouth and largest Largemouth.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Crystal Lake 6-20-20

1. Jack Ebach 5/5 20.43lb/Big Fish 4.69lb 2. Brian Wilson 5/5 17.45lb 3. Jeff Brauneck 5/5 17.10lb/2nd Big Bass 3.92lb 4. Bill Bailey Jr. 5/5 16.76lb 5. Bill Shermeta 5/5 16.19lb 6. Jacob Trafelet 5/5 15.95lb 7. Bill Bailey 5/5 15.64lb 8. Mark Ayers 5/5 15.27lb 9. Mack Plachta 5/5 14.18lb 10.Bryan Ray 5/4 13.64-.30=13.34lb 11.Randy Perry 5/5 11.17lb

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Walloon Lake 6-14-20

1. Jack Ebach 5/5 15.08lb 2. Brian Wilson 5/5 14.78lb 3. Jacab Trafelet 5/5 14.09lb 4. Bill Shermeta 5/5 13.48lb/ 2nd BB 3.34lb 5. Pat Morgan 5/5 13.30lb 6. Mark Ayers 5/5 13.19lb 7. Bill Bailey Jr. 5/5 12.01lb 8. Bryan Ray 5/5 11.87lb/ Big Bass 3.45lb 9. Bill Bailey 5/5 11.16lb 10.Randy Perry 5/5 11.11lb 11.Rick McClintock 2/2 3.73lb

History of Angler of the Year.

  History of TCBass AOY /Started 2003 2003 Harry Swank 2004 Brian Wilson 2005 Harry Swank 2006 Harry Swank 2007 Brian Wilson 2008 Brian Wils...