Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Fall Hawg Hunt 10-9-16

             FALL HAWG HUNT
                              Partner tournament
                               Oct 9, 2016
                 Tournament time 7:30 am to 3:00pm
                            Register by 7:00am
       Time    Location    Launch Site
7:30 am to 10:30 am     Green Lake                    First Weigh-inDNR NW side                  DNR NW side
12:00 pm to 3:00 pm Duck Lake                       Finale Weigh-inState Park, Duck             State Park, Duck
Entry Fee                              $100.00 per boat    collected day of tournament
Payback split 3 ways:        Combination of two Hawgs
                                                (one from each lake)
                                            Big Bass of the day Green Lake
                                            Big Bass of the day Duck Lake
                 NO DEAD FISH                 ARTIFICIAL BAIT ONLY
                                 TOURNAMENT DIRECTORS
                        John McIntosh    616- 890-9296
                       Keith Grandy     ph 231-743-6686  cell 231-942-1552
                       Rick Payne        ph  231-882-5033  cell 231-510-4798

Monday, September 26, 2016

Classic results 9-25-16

  1. Mark Ayers- 10/10  20.03 lb + 22.75 lb = 42.78 lb/ Big Bass 5.32 lb on Platte lake
  2. Mike Ebach- 10/10  20.23 lb + 18.08 lb = 38.31 lb
  3. Bill Bailey Jr. 10/10  17.69 lb + 20.60 lb = 38.29 lb
  4. Jack Eback  10/10  21.76 lb + 16.08 lb = 37.84 lb
  5. Brian Wilson  10/10 16.74 lb + 19.22 lb - 35.96 lb/ Big Bass 5.28 lb on Glen lake
  6. Butch Derickson 10/10  16.04 lb + 15.64 lb = 31.68 lb
  7. Bryan Ray  9/9  20.35 lb + 9.69 lb = 30.04 lb
  8. Bill Bailey Sr. 5/5  7.89 lb + 8.55 lb = 16.44 lb
  9. Pat Morgan  4/4  2.81 lb + 8.16 lb = 10.97 lb
  10. Brendon Dodge 3/3  10.53 lb + 0 = 10.53 lb
  11. Harry Swank 0/0
  12. Randy Perry 0/0
    Mike (2nd) Mark (1st,BB) Bill (3rd) Brian (BB)

    Mark Ayers -Platte Lake BB 5.32 lb

    Brian Wilson- Glen Lake BB 5.28 lb

    Brendon (rookie year) with future lunker

Classic day 2 on Glen Lake 9-25-16

  1. Mark Ayers  5/5  22.75 lb/ BB 4.90 lb
  2. Bill Bailey Jr. 5/5  20.60 lb/ BB 5.14 lb 
  3. Brian Wilson 5/5  19.22 lb/ BB 5.28 lb
  4. Mike Ebach  5/5  18/08 lb/ BB 4.75 lb
  5. Jack Ebach  5/5  16.08 lb/ BB 3.76 lb
  6. Butch Derickson 5/5 15.64 lb/ BB 3.89 lb
  7. Bryan Ray  4/4   9.69 lb/BB 3.51 lb
  8. Bill Bailey Sr. 3/3  8.55 lb/ BB 3.76 lb
  9. Pat Morgan   3/3  8.16 lb/ BB 3.64 lb
  10. Brendon Dodge 0/0  
    Brian Wilson 5.14 lb

    Mark Ayers 4/90 lb

    Mike Eback 4.75 lb

    Butch 3.89 lb

    Bill 5.14 lb

Classic day one on Platte lake 9-24-16

  1. Jack Ebach  5/5  21.76 lb/ BB 4.81 lb
  2. Bryan Ray  5/5   20.35 lb/ BB 4.69 lb
  3. Mike Ebach  5/5  20.23 lb/BB 5.19 lb
  4. Mark Ayers  5/5  20.03 lb/BB 5.32 lb
  5. Bill Bailey Jr. 5/5 17.69 lb/BB 5.31 lb
  6. Brian Wilson  5/5  16.74 lb
  7. Butch Derickson  5/5  16.04 lb/ BB 3.94 lb
  8. Brenden Dodge  3/3  10.53 lb/ BB 4.24 lb
  9. Bill Bailey Sr. 2/2  7.89 lb/ BB 4.31 lb
  10. Pat Morgan 1/1  2.81 lb

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Portage Lake 9-18-16

  1. Mike Ebach 5/5 18.06 lb/ Big Bass 4.12 lb
  2. Bob Moss 5/5  14.77 lb/ 2nd Big Bass 3.58 lb
  3. Harry Swank 5/5  13.21 lb
  4. Scott Spafford 5/5 13.09 lb
  5. Jack Ebach 5/5  12.56 lb
  6. Josh Myers 5/5 12.09 lb
  7. Brian Wilson 5/5  12.06 lb
  8. Bryan Ray 5/5  11.36 lb
  9. Bill Bailey Jr. 5/5 11.60 lb
  10. Rick Payne 3/3  7.83 lb
  11. Mark Ayers 3/3  7.41 lb
  12. Randy Perry 3/3  7.30 lb
  13. Pat Morgan 2/2  5.47 lb
  14. Brian McComb 0/0
  15. Jerry Wilson 0/0
  16. Bill Bailey Sr. 0/0

Friday, September 16, 2016

Cherry Capital Invitational results 9-11-16

  1. Kelly and Brad Washburn 7/7    26.28 lb
  2. Paul Soma and Doug Ratiff 7/7    25.44 lb
  3. Robert and Garrett Moss 7/7     24.55 lb
  4. Mark Ayers and Chris Petroskey 7/7    23.84 lb
  5. Chris Gutuslay and Shannon Bagley 7/7    23.15 lb/ 2nd BB 5.37 lb
  6. Steve Bowmen and Jerry Overton 7/7    22.85 lb
  7. Brian MacDonnell and Wes Herndon 7/7    22.26 lb
  8. Bryan Belden and Bill Brown 7/7    22.12 lb
  9. Matt Schram and Eric Tourre 7/7    21.93 lb
  10. Mike and Jack Ebach 7/7    21.20 lb
  11. Big Bass 6.31 lb by Rich Hentschal and Evan Griswold
    Top Ten out of 57 Teams

    Kelly and Brad Washburn 1st place

    Bob and Garrett Moss 3rd Place

    Evan with 6.31 lb Smallmouth

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Results of the 4th Annual Lake Leelanau Hawg Hunt

Dave and Matt/Overall(10.56 lb) and North Lake Big Fish(5.23 lb)

Jack and Bob/ South Lake Big Bass 5.72 lb
4.71 lb

5.33 lb

History of Angler of the Year.

  History of TCBass AOY /Started 2003 2003 Harry Swank 2004 Brian Wilson 2005 Harry Swank 2006 Harry Swank 2007 Brian Wilson 2008 Brian Wils...